Your Options for Infertility

If Your doctor has diagnosed you with infertility, you may feel overwhelmed and powerless. Those who want to have a child may opt to use a surrogate mother to carry their child. If you’re considering surrogacy, you may have questions about the procedure. Before you begin the process, be sure you live in a surrogacy-friendly state.

Details of the Surrogacy Process

You may wonder, “How long does the surrogacy process take?” According to Reproductive Possibilities, the surrogacy process can take an average of 14 to 22 months. Women interested in becoming pregnancy surrogates must meet specific requirements. One of the health criteria to be a surrogate mother is for the woman’s BMI to be below 35 (ideally, under 32).

Requirements for Surrogacy

Other essential requirements include no smoking or the use of drugs. Another of the different requirements for a surrogate mother is that she must have previously been pregnant and delivered a child. As for the surrogate age limit, according to Family Tree Surrogacy, a woman must be approximately 21 to 35. Surrogacy should, ideally, be handled with the assistance of an adoption agency or family law attorney.
In vitro fertilization
Women are often born with the desire to reproduce and care for their children. They watched their mothers care for themselves and their siblings, and then they mimicked them with dolls and stuffed animals when they were children. They dreamed of meeting a great father figure, and then beginning their own family. Some might even have their names picked out years ahead of time in preparation. However, unfortunately it isn?t always as easy as that. Womens health can be a tricky thing and many women actually have trouble with reproducing. There are many causes of infertility in women, and sometimes; a reason cannot be found. Luckily, today there are options. Some women have trouble reproducing because they waited until they were in their 30?s or 40?s to have a baby. Others had children young and then have trouble reproducing for a second or a third child. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11% of couples experience secondary infertility, which is defined as a couple with a child being unable to conceive again after a year. A woman who has trouble conceiving has many options. It is recommended that women who are under the age of 35 should try to get pregnant first for one year minimum before contacting their doctor or healthcare professional. After that year and unsuccessful conception, they may opt for in vitro fertilization if tests show a problem with the womens health. Additionally, hormone replacement therapy might also be an option if the hormones are the cause of the womens health issue. Menopause is another problem that prevents the conception of a child. While the mean age of menopause is 51, some women might experience menopause as early as their 30?s. Some might not reach menopause until their 60s. The majority of people are between the ages of 40 and 58. A women who has entered into menopause early and it is preventing them from conceiving may have some options available to them. There are menopause solutions that might alter the hormones of menopause and delay or slow it down, allowing conception to occur. If this is not a possibility, then again; in vitro fertilization or surrogacy might be options. A woman who wishes to reproduce may find a lot of stress and anxiety when it doesn?t happen. With the increase in technology and science today, however; we now have many options to assist with infertility womens health. After a woman has tried for a minimum of a year and has found conception to be unsuccessful, she can pay a visit to her medical doctor or a healthcare professional. The medical professionals will be able to provide them with their infertility options and will be able to run tests to provide results of their reproduction system.

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