Your skin is the largest organ on your body. As you can imagine, a lot happens to it in any given day.
You shed thousands of skin cells on a daily basis. Your skin protects you from the elements and regulates your temperature, whether you recognize it or not. Likewise, it seems like anything can make your skin go from smooth and supple to in need of a doctor’s advice. If you’re starting to notice stubborn adult acne or are wondering if you’re at risk for melanoma, a dermatology center can help. Providing useful resources with proven results, a dermatologist can provide you solutions over-the-counter products can’t.
Look below to learn about today’s most common skin conditions and what a dermatology center can do to help.
Adult Acne
One issue that can seem downright surprising is the issue of adult acne. Commonly attributed to teenagers and thought to be solely related to dirty skin, adult acne is a persistent skin condition that can leave you feeling like you’re out of options. Over 50 million people in the United States struggle with minor to severe acne. It’s thought up to 85% of all people have experienced it at some point or another in their lives. While acne can be caused by clogged pores, much of adult acne is actually caused by hormonal fluctuations that increase oil production.
Alongside acne treatment you can always consider looking into a check-up for melanoma. More than one million Americans today live with this condition and, unfortunately, this is expected to increase. Skin cancer is a serious issue that is, more often than not, caused by overexposure to the sun. One out of five Americans will develop this issue at some point in their lives, according to recent studies, and the best course of action is to catch it as soon as possible. Tanning salons are a significant contributor to this issue, with one study finding 70% of patrons are women and girls.
Does your skin appear reddened, sensitive, and blotchy? Do you attempt to wash it and moisturize it to no avail? You might have eczema, a common and highly frustrating skin issue that is frequently brought to the attention of dermatology professionals. Its symptoms include itchy, dry skin and rashes that never seem to go away. With the aid of a dermatologist, however, you can finally receive both healthy and visually pleasing results.
Spider Veins
An issue that can also seem impossible to tackle is that of varicose veins. Also known as spider veins, this is a condition that very much speaks for itself. It’s estimated 15% of men and 35% of women today have varicose veins, which is as much as 25 million Americans total. An aestheticism service can provide you with a step-by-step process to reduce the appearance of spider veins and promote a smooth and more healthy appearance. At the end of the day, a dermatologist will make sure you’re left feeling proud of your skin, not ashamed.
Meeting With A Medical Dermatologist
Whether you’ve been struggling against adult acne for years or are just starting to notice the onset of varicose veins, your next step is to talk to a dermatologist. A dermatology center has all the resources and knowledge you need to start breathing new life into your skin once more. They can provide you with a melanoma test to give you some peace-of-mind. They can ensure your next bout of acne doesn’t crop up again. It’s also helpful to speak with a professional about preventative measures, such as sun protection and moisturizing.
Your skin protects you. Look after it by letting a dermatology center help you out.