With the exception of men who shave their heads bald for style, such as Jeff Bezos or Jason Statham, American adults always have hair on their heads, and it is abundantly clear that everyone cares a great deal about the quality and aesthetics of the hair on their heads. After all, one may consider the sheer size and popularity of the modern hair product market, ranging from extended hair wefts for women and hair curlers and irons, dyes, gels, and specialized shampoos for men and women alike. Distinct hair styles have come and gone all throughout the 20th century, and art and photographs show that other hairstyles came and went in centuries past, too. Particular hairstyles were seen among women in the Victorian or Edwardian periods, and even medieval art shows what sort of hairstyles and accessories noblewomen of Europe had in the Middle Ages. But hair is a natural part of the body like any other, and it may undergo some changes that a person may not like. Hair loss, for example, is a harmless and natural part of a person’s hair, but hardly anyone looks forward to the idea of it. The good news is that while there is no magic cure to restore lost hair out of nothing, today’s hair’s restoration experts can perform minimally invasive surgery such as FUE (follicular unit extraction) to fight back against thinning or balding hair.
Hair Loss Today
Hair loss is a natural part of growing older, and many statistics have been gathered to find out how exactly this happens, and what American adults think of it. In fact, common male pattern baldness affects as many as 95% of adult men, and men in particular experience hair loss. Today across the United States, some 35 million men are going through hair loss, and about 21 million women are experiencing the same. When hair loss begins on an adult, they may lose nearly half of their total hairs, enough to make this hair loss visible to the eye. Hair loss may continu7e for 10-20 years until the process is finished. It has been found that by age 35, two in three men will have experienced a noticeable degree of hair loss, and by age 50, more than 85% of men will have significantly thinning hair on their heads. This is not nearly as common among women, but it certainly happens to them too.
Surveys have shown that hair loss is deeply unpopular, and many Americans would go to great lengths to reverse it somehow. Around 60% of those surveyed have said that they would rather have all their lost hair back than have money or friends, and many survey respondents also said that they would spend their entire life savings to restore all of their lost hair. While there is no means of conjuring lost hair out of nothing and putting it back on the person’s scalp, there are mother means of hiding or covering bald or thinning patches. Wigs and toupees and hair wefts may artificially put hair on someone’s head, but hair restoration experts and hair loss doctors can offer something else: follicular unit extraction for hair loss.
Hair Surgery
An interested client may look up hair restoration clinics in their area online, with a search using their native city or town or even their ZIP code to find something local and get the clinic’s name and address. That, and they may also consult their doctor and get a recommendation. An interested client may then visit these clinics and consult the staff there, and set up an appointment for hair transplant surgery.
This is minimally invasive surgery that will rearrange the hairs on the patient’s head. During this surgery, hair doctors will remove small, thin patches of the patient’s scalp that contain hair follicle units, which may be in groups of one to six. These units are transplanted on the target area, with the hairs arranged for a consistent and natural look. This may be done any number of times to fill in bald patches or thin patches of hair, no wigs or hair wefts needed. This does not actually add more hair to the patient’s head, but it fills in thin spots, and many patients have expressed satisfaction with the results.