4 School Sports Infections Every Parent Should Know About

If your child is energetic and athletic and you are thinking of putting them in sports—good for you! Sports have many positive health benefits such as keeping your child’s heart healthy, helps them keep their weight regulated, and also gives them a fun way to get rid of stress or excess energy. No child enjoys sitting in a classroom all day without any kind of physical activity! Your child might not get recess anymore and craves the ability to run, swim, play basketball, and just get to experience playing their favorite sports with their friends after school. Enrolling your child in sports can be a great decision!

However, there are also a number of school sports infections that you should be aware of as the child’s parent or guardian, as well as the symptoms of each. Sports are a great way for children to stay healthy and happy, and as long as they are careful and keep their immune system up, they will not have to worry about their infections. Parents, if your child shows symptoms of one of these infections, be sure to take them to the doctor and also keep them away from other children so they do not infect others and get them sick. The more we can contain the infections, the more difficult it will be able to spread and infect a higher number of children.

Here are some school sports infections you should keep your eyes out for.


Did you know that your child can get MRSA from gymnastics? There are many ways that a child can get Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), but touching and sharing gymnastics equipment, mats, and even wrestling equipment can spread this infection. What’s worrisome about MRSA is that it is resistant to a lot of different antibiotics such as methicilin, penicillin, amoxicillin and oxacillin. This is why is it sometimes referred to as a “superbug.” However, there are many ways you can also protect your child from MRSA, such as MRSA clean-up techniques. Be sure to wipe down mats and other equipment your child might use with sanitizing wipes, and also be sure that they wash their hands with antibacterial soap after using the equipment. This is a great MRSA prevention technique and is very simple!

2. Warts

Warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) and anyone can get this. A lot of times HPV is referred to as a sexually transmitted disease, however, students can also contract the virus by touching contaminated locker room and shower floors as well as mats. It does not have to be in or on the genitals and can be present in areas such as arms and legs. Warts are typically flesh-colored and look like calluses. Look for thick skin and small black dots.

3. Athlete’s Foot

This fungal infection is nothing very serious as long as you catch it early. It causes a scaly rash and severe itching and burning. It is common with athletes because the fungus likes warm, moist placed like sweaty socks and sneakers. It is important that your child washes their feet and keeps them clean and dry. In order to get rid of the fungus, you can use antifungal cream and sprays available over the counter to kill the fungus. Many products for athlete’s foot are also formulated to help with the itching and burning and offers a cooling effect.

Again, enrolling your children in sports after school can be a great idea and a fun way for them to stay healthy and happy. However, be sure to take the necessary precautions to keep them from getting any school sports infections.

What ways do you keep your children protected from school sports infections? Share your wisdom in the comments below!

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