AMREF Kenya has received an award for its commendable contribution to ameliorate the maternal health care in Kenya. It was the MDGs trust that bestowed the award to AMREF for tirelessly working in the said sector.
Actually, MDGs trust is an organization that recognizes that efforts of local NGOs, individuals, Private and Public sectors, and Development Partner Institutions. It is said that those institutions that collectively work with UNDP Kenya, Ministry of State for Planning, Synovate and the Government of Finland, and National Development and Vision 2030 are given the awards for their outstanding performance to address the social problems of Kenya.
Besides, in the last three years, there are few institutions of Kenya that have grossly implemented the millennium development goals. Actually, millennium Development Goals Award is recognition for bringing revolutionary changes in different capacities and most of the Kenyan based organizations are trying their best to develop the social fiber as per the MDGs targets.