Chronic pain is one of the biggest health issues for Americans today.
It follows close behind heart disease and obesity as significant inhibitors to a healthy lifestyle. Chronic lower back pain, severe hip paint, stiff joints…they all make day-to-day habits difficult and work potentially impossible. As a chiropractor your job is to ensure every customer walks away from your clinic feeling like a new person. IASTM tools for sale cover the gamut of basics. Reducing muscle fatigue and breaking up scar tissue is all in a month’s work.
What chiropractor massage tools do you need for the new year?
Modern Statistics On Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is even worse than previously thought. It’s estimated over one and a half billion people around the world suffer from chronic pain. A study was conducted asking respondents to share their experience with chronic pain. Nearly 60% of respondents reported a notable impact on their overall enjoyment of life. When sifting through IASTM tools for sale you’re increasing the likelihood every new person who visits your practice will have something more to hope for.
Common Contributors To Chronic Pain
The reason chronic pain is so common can be easily attributed to its several sources. Nearly 80% of American adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their life, according to data provided by the National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke. Poor posture is a major detail that builds over time. Picking up heavy objects incorrectly is another. Age, diet, and lifestyle can all make this issue severe enough to involve a chiropractor.
The Future Of Physical Therapy
With so many people in pain and without hope, physical therapy is growing at an exponential rate. By the time 2022 arrives the Bureau Of Labor Statistics projects a physical therapist employment growth of nearly 40%. Surgery is often a last resort, due to potential complications, and used for the most extreme of issues. Physical therapy is a more subtle practice that gradually stretches muscles out and reduces strain. Over 50% of doctors today actively recommend massage therapy to their patients.
Benefits Of Regular Muscle Therapy
Physical therapy is a fantastic choice for chronic pain sufferers of all stripes. It takes on the form of deep massages, exercise routines, stretching exercises, diet changes, and muscle scraping tools. Over 85% of consumers today agree that a regular massage can be effective in reducing chronic pain. Massage therapy is available in nearly half of all hospitals around the world. When you search for IASTM tools for sale you ensure you can approach these varied and unique issues with equipment to match.
Choosing The Best Chiropractor Tools
There’s always improvement to be made. Chronic pain makes that clear. Muscle scraping tools are used by occupational therapists and massage artists alike. This old Chinese technique was used to relieve knotted muscles by breaking up scar tissue and promoting a deeper healing process. An IASTM tool set can be used to focus on tennis elbow or a more broad approach to back pain. Self-care chiropractic measures should be shared for aftercare regimens, as well.
Chronic pain may be widespread, but so are your resources. Help your customers heal with the best chiropractor tools for sale.