Some couples are able to conceive the first time. Others try and try with no results in sight.
A reproduction clinic can give you the options you’ve been looking for. Artificial insemination may seem like a drastic measure, particularly if you’ve been opting for home remedies or just some extra patience, but it’s a scientific method proven to deliver. Your fertility center can better analyze your attempts to conceive and pinpoint the underlying problem. Whether genetic or environmental, reaching out to a professional will push away any remaining concerns and put you on the right track toward overcoming infertility.
Here’s what a reproduction clinic could do for you.
Over seven million women (that’s as many as 12% of the American population) have received infertility services in their lifetime. When it comes to resources that can figure out the underlying issue behind your infertility you’ve never been in a better spot. Studies have shown one out of every eight couples (another 12% of married women) will either have trouble becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. What contributes to these rates and what can a reproduction clinic do to help you?
Studies are conducted regularly to stay updated on what, exactly, contributes to these widespread figures. It’s thought one-third of all infertility rates are attributed to the female partner, while another one-third are attributed to the male partner. The rest is caused by a combination of both partners or remains a yet-unexplained factor still being analyzed by fertility centers. Nearly 45% of women with infertility have already sought medical assistance — of that number nearly 65% will proceed to succeed in giving birth.
Women are generally fertile between the ages of 20 and 24, though this shouldn’t stop you from seeking out the aid of a reproduction clinic. By the time they’re 40 two out of five women who want to have a child will be able to do so. It’s thought six and a half million women have impaired fecundity (also known as an impaired ability to either become pregnant or carry a baby to term). Fertility generally declines for women by the time they reach 30 years old, dropping to its steepest point by 35. Keeping these statistics in mind should inform you of your chances when you visit a reproduction clinic.
Fertility experts are always searching for ways to assist couples in achieving their dream of conception. This has even extended to insurance policies. Fifteen states have passed laws requiring insurance companies at least offer some level of infertility treatment, including California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Montana and New Jersey. Calling your insurance provider and asking about their policy on fertility can help your decision to visit a reproduction clinic become even easier. There are options for you, even when it feels impossible, and a professional can help you figure out where your journey should take you.
Your fertility center will give you a basic rundown of their services, requesting you bring any and all medical records, family history and past attempts at conceiving to make their work easier. Nearly 90% of infertility cases are either treated with drug therapy or surgical procedures to increase the couple’s ability to conceive a child. Your personal health issues and goals for the future will be just a few more details to add to the list as you reach a conclusion at your nearest reproduction clinic. Instead of feeling hopeless set up an appointment this week and finally get the answers you deserve.
Fertility can seem like winning the lottery. Increase your chances with a fertility expert who cares about your future.