When couples cannot conceive it puts a huge strain on them and their marriage. Infertile couples are three times as likely to get a divorce. The good news is that there are things that can be done to help. Of the 44% of women who seek treatment for issues involving infertility, 65% go on to get pregnant and give birth. There are a number of fertility treatment options available.
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after a full year of trying. If a couple experiences this for 12 months, they should consider going to a physician for a fertility evaluation. There are a number of fertility treatment options available and they range from medications to surgery.
Some fertility treatment options include:
- Surgery to unblock the fallopian tubes. Also called a tuboplasty this surgery widens the tubes or removes anything that is causing a blockage. During this procedure, a catheter equipped with a balloon is threaded through the tube and inflated. This opens the tube and restores its function. Nearly 25% of all infertile women are affected by tubal disease and it can be mild or the tubes can be completely blocked. Women who have had Pelvic Inflammatory Disease at least once may have a higher risk for problems.
- Fimbrioplasty. When the fimibriae fuse together, they are located at the end of the fallopian tube near the ovaries, the egg cannot enter the tube. This microsurgery opens them up and allows the egg to pass from the ovary into the tube. This is a fairly simple procedure.
- Tubal ligation reversal surgery. Many people assume that pregnancy after tubal ligation is completely impossible. This is simply not at all accurate. During a tubal ligation procedure, several sections of the fallopian tubes are cut. This can be reversed by rejoining these severed sections. There are cases where the fallopian tubes have been clamped, not severed. In both cases the ligation procedure can be reversed. The pregnancy rate for women who undergo a reversal can be as high as 92%.
Another one of the fertility treatment options is acupuncture. The Chinese medical practice is based on the idea that the human body has 20 energy pathways that control how it functions. When these pathways become blocked, we experience health problems such as infertility. A healthy energy balance can be restored by placing ultra-small needles at certain energy points to clear any blockages.
New research suggests that acupuncture causes the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural way to relax the body. They also can help with pain and help regulate a woman’s menstruation. These treatments work best when there is no physical blockage. This can work on its own but is also improves the efficacy of other fertility treatments. It works by helping to restore certain systems to a more normal state but the stress relieving aspects of acupuncture should not be discounted.
Stress has a lot of negative effects on the human body and can impact fertility. When a couple cannot conceive, it only adds to the stress and that can create a vicious cycle. If you are concerned about not being able to become pregnant, you should see a doctor for an evaluation.