When it comes to hormone therapy for menopause, there are a lot of options out there for any woman. There are hormone supplements, hot flashes therapy, and more. There are patches and pills and creams. What does it all mean, and could it help you?
What is Menopause?
Before you think about which hormone therapy for menopause might be best, it’s important to understand what menopause is. For most women, hormone levels in the body begin to fluctuate sometime in the 30s or 40s. During this time, menstruation may become more increasingly irregular. This time is often referred to as perimenopause, and it signals that the childbearing age for a woman is nearly done. Upon reaching menopause, a woman is only producing about a third of the estrogen she did during childbearing years. For the average woman, menopause will happen at around 51.
Are Women the Only Ones Who Get Menopause?
Yes, if you define menopause strictly and medically. But if you mean “are women the only ones to experience hormonal changes with age,” that’s not the case. It happens to men, too. A man’s testosterone levels tend to rise at puberty and begin tapering off after 30. Testosterone rates in men tend to decrease as they age. About 20% of men in their 60s to 70s will have low testosterone. For those between 70 and 80, the percentage reaches 30%. By the age of 80 half of all men have low testosterone. There is also testosterone replacement therapy and hormone imbalance treatment available for men.
What are the Symptoms of Menopause?
As you might expect, any big hormonal change tends to have a noticeable effect on a person. Not everyone gets the same symptoms or has them at the same intensity. Some of the possible symptoms include mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances. Hormone disturbances can even result in unwanted weight gain. When all these interfere with life, it’s probably time to look into hormone therapy for menopause.
What Types of Hormone Therapy for Menopause Are There?
For those with perimenopause, sometimes oral contraception is a simple way to get relief. For anyone with menopause, options include progestin pills and creams, oral estrogen therapy, vaginal estrogen, testosterone therapy, bio-identical hormones, and natural hormone supplements or pellets.
Should I Look into Hormone Therapy for Menopause?
If the symptoms of menopause are interfering with life, it’s definitely a good idea to seek out some help. There are lots of remedies written up online, but the best idea is to get professional help from those who know what they’re doing. If you don’t actually know what your particular issues are, any home remedy treatment is a bit of a shot in the dark.
You do not have to suffer the effects of menopause without any relief. There are options for menopause treatment available, and professionals who can understand your particular needs and help you find the avenue for relief that is right for you.