Addiction is a terrible illness that millions of people around the world struggle with. The right drug addiction treatment center can tell you and your family all about rehab and about what type of addiction aftercare you might need.
If you have visited your doctor, and they are working to help you find the right treatment, they may recommend acute medically supervised withdrawal to help the process and to get the treatment underway. Addiction is not anything to be ashamed of, with the right treatment anyone can overcome addiction and live a healthier life. When it comes to dealing with addiction it is always best to take the time to talk with your doctor and to find the means of help that is going to work best for you. Addiction can be overcome, and with the help of a family doctor you can find the treatment that is going to work for you.
Like most people you might not know that you can consult your family doctor for a whole range of health and wellness concerns. You don’t have to wait for an emergency, or a serious illness or injury. Expert medical advice on weight loss, addiction, depression and other disorders can help you improve your quality of life. A ica-A-Blueprint-for-Transforming-Prevention-Care-Education-Research/Report-Brief.aspx” Title=”Learn the real scoop on Sickness”>family medicine doctor can also answer your questions about legal medical marijuana, testosterone clinic, adhd and insomnia treatment and other issues.
Alcohol and drug addiction problems
It is not commonly known that the leading drug problem in the U.S. is in fact alcohol. As many as 10% of children in the U.S. have a parent who has alcohol-related problems. And more than half, or 53%, of adults in the U.S. report that they have at least one relative who has a drinking problem.
Studies show that people are more likely to drink if they have a higher education degree. One in five or 20% of all college students display signs of of Alcohol Use Disorder. In fact young adults between the ages of 18 to 29 are most susceptible to developing drinking problems. The least vulnerable group are adults of 65 years or more.

Drug abuse is also a growing problem, leading to more than 5,000 emergency rooms visits each day. Treatment must be completed in sequence, with drug detox coming first, to be followed by drug rehab.
Weight control is essential for good health
There is an obesity epidemic in the U.S. It affects as many as many as two thirds of all adults in the country. Obesity leads to a whole range of diseases and disorders including some of the leading causes of preventable deaths: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight is an essential step in controlling cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It could be the most important preventative health measure a person can take
Your family doctor can advise you on all these issues and more, including:
- Skin Conditions
- Coughs and Colds
- Bronchitis
- Ear Infections
- Flu
- Sinus Infections
- Sore / Strep Throat
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Acne
- Athlete’s Foot
- Dry / Itchy Skin Poison Ivy
- Sunburn / Insect Bites Allergies
- Bladder Infections
- Diarrhea / Nausea
- Swimmers Ear / Eye Fever
- Diabetes
- testosterone clinic