For people of all ages and backgrounds, acid reflux is a common condition, as too is GERD – officially gastroesophageal reflux disease. For up to one fifth of the adult population of this country – if not more – GERD has become a stark reality. In addition to this, very nearly half of all adults in this country (around 44% of them to be just a bit more exact) are also dealing with issues relating to heartburn on a monthly basis, if not even more frequently than that. Therefore, it is clear to see that this problem is a widespread one.
Fortunately, there are a number of different treatment strategies that can reduce the overall severity of symptoms or even eliminate them entirely for GERD and acid reflux sufferers alike. For one thing, changing up your diet can actually work wonders in terms of reducing acid reflux and heartburn symptoms. While this course of acid reflux treatment is certainly one that can take some getting used to, acid reflux diet recipes are found in many places. In fact, overall internet access has made finding acid reflux diet recipes easier than ever before. Using these acid reflux diet recipes can be a truly great way to ease into this new way of eating and living, though someday you might find that you are able to “wing it” and not longer need acid reflux diet recipes to work off of. In fact, you might even decide to share your very own acid reflux diet recipes to see if they can help other people looking for severe heartburn symptoms relief through the utilization of a new diet – and providing such people with easy and free access to acid reflux diet recipes can make this journey so much easier and simplified than it would have otherwise been.
Acid reflux therapy can also include not just a change in lifestyle in the form of using acid reflux diet recipes, but a course of medications as well. Often, people find that combining these two approaches can lead to great relief of acid reflux symptoms. Of course, not all medications will work for every single person and for these reasons it is hugely important to work with a doctor who is well versed on the subjects of GERD and acid reflux and who can help you find the right course of treatment for you and your symptoms.
A doctor can also help you to find any links to your GERD, as underlying conditions can actually be the cause of reflux issues in a great many people. For instance, having asthma is a definite link to later developing GERD or acid reflux symptoms. As a matter of fact, more than three quarters of all people who have at some point been diagnosed with asthma will at some point also be diagnosed with GERD or at least present with notable acid reflux symptoms. Knowing about the overlap and presence of such conditions is something that can most certainly help many medical professionals to provide better care for their patients.
Being overweight is another reason that GERD has become as common as it is today, as being overweight and, of course, obese is known to lead to a whole slew of health issues in the human body. Unfortunately, falling outside the normal range of BMIs (which falls between a BMI of 19 and a BMI of 24) is more common than it has ever been before. As a matter of fact, more than one third of all people in the United States could currently be classified as obese. Another more than one third could be classified as overweight. And though obese is more serious than just being overweight, simply being overweight can easily lead to a number of health conditions, such as GERD and acid reflux, as well. Many patients find that a healthy and measured approach to weight loss can drastically reduce many of the GERD and acid reflux symptoms that they are experiencing.
Ultimately, there are many ways that GERD can be treated and managed from following acid reflux diet recipes to losing weight to taking medication.