Baldness is anything but uncommon here in the United States, for both men and women alike. In fact, it is estimated that, throughout this one country alone, up to thirty five million men are dealing with some level of baldness or thinning hair. And while less women suffer from baldness, up to twenty million still do.
The reasons for balding or losing hair vary. For men, it is almost always genetic. Commonly referred to as male pattern baldness, a condition that is officially and scientifically called androgenetic alopecia can account for as many as ninety five percent of all cases of balding in the United States. For women, balding can be genetic as well, though it usually progresses differently than hair loss in men, starting with a widening part in their hair instead of receding from the temples. Other common causes of baldness and hair loss in general include alopecia as well as a variety of medications, such as chemotherapy (one of the most prominent medical treatments that we associate with losing hair and eventually going completely bald).
Hair loss can be an emotionally difficult process, no matter who it is that is losing their hair and why they are losing it. For many people, losing their hair makes them feel incredibly self conscious and can lower their overall self esteem by quite a bit. Some people feel that they would even give up or trade in just about anything in return for having a full head of hair again.
Fortunately, there are many ways in which balding and hair loss can be treated – and time to do it in, as, at least for men, up to fifty percent of all of their hair will be gone before it is actually noticeable to the casual observer. From scalp micropigmentation to hair plugs, you should always consult with a hair loss specialist before pursuing any type of hair loss treatment, which will ensure that you are able to stay safe and healthy throughout any type of hair loss treatment, be it micropigmentation of the scalp or full blown hair loss surgery.
Micropigmentation of the scalp is a popular choice because it is relatively non invasive. However, it is very important to note that micropigmentation is not a cure for hair loss and it won’t fix it or reverse it. Instead, micropigmentation is a procedure that is based solely on cosmetics, as scalp micropigmentation will help to give the illusion of hair in areas where hair has begun to thin.
In addition to or instead of scalp micropigmentation, hair loss surgery is a very viable option for many people who have begun to lose their hair but are not yet completely bald. Though FUSS hair transplant procedures were once the norm, they have now mostly been replaced with the FUE hair transplant procedure. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, and it is a procedure that is admirable and beneficial in many different ways.
First, it is important to discuss how it actually works. An FUE procedure begins by gathering and extracting naturally occurring clumps of hair. Once this has been completed, these clumps of hair are transferred from the spot where hair is still growing naturally and transplanted to the area of the head where thinning hair or full on balding is occurring. While this procedure is not necessarily for everyone (some might prefer scalp micropigmentation instead, at least while their hair loss is still only mild to moderate), it has been found to be very effective and even life changing for many a patient.
The FUE hair transplant procedure is also ideal because it does not leave a large scar on the back of the head like the typical FUSS procedure does. This means that there will not be the need for any sort of scar revision. On top of this, the patient will be able to style their hair in any way they choose and will have no worries about needing to conceal an unwanted scar.
Balding can be a frightening thing, as well as one that has an overwhelmingly negative impact on your life. However, the balding process can be managed, concealed, and even reversed in many cases.