Not Your Kid’s Braces Cosmetic Dentistry for Adults

If you’re an adult, you might be wondering about the best option for braces and whether you truly need them or not. The best time for braces might be when you’re an adolescent. If you have a child, you might want to look into getting him or her braces as a teenager. You can review the braces cost for 14-year-olds to see what kind of deal you can get.

As an adult, you might believe that getting braces won’t help. However, you can still see significant results if you get braces and brackets as an adult. The first step in reviewing your options is to visit an orthodontist in your area. You and the orthodontist can discuss your options thoroughly. He or she might feel that standard metal braces are the best option for braces. Alternatively, your orthodontist might want to talk to you about other options, like lingual braces or Invisalign, if you are unhappy with the way your teeth look.

An array of competent and experienced orthodontists are ready to discuss your options with you. The field has become saturated with new and exciting options for older individuals who want to reclaim their gorgeous smiles right away.

Are braces orthodontics? Technically yes, braces are a part of orthodontic services, which also include some other specialty dental care and treatments. Unlike children’s braces, adult orthodontics are often fitted trays which simply snap over the teeth to adjust them bit by bit. These trays are changed out as the teeth shift into their new, final positions.

Once such system is Invisalign, a tray system which is widely known and often recommended. A quick Google search will help you learn more about Invisalign braces and whether they may be the right option for you.

When looking to align teeth straightening options may feel a bit limited. While Invisalign is by far the most well-known option, there are many companies that offer an alternative to Invisalign braces. As with any company, it’s important to do your own research before deciding to work with them. Read reviews carefully and pay attention to price differences.

Cosmetic dentistry for adults has come a long way in the past few decades. Regardless of what option you choose, it’s never a bad idea to invest in your smile.

General dentistry services

If you had braces as a kid, you remember the dentist’s office as a medieval torture chamber equipped with metal tools for poking, drilling, and clamping. Your masked tormentor and his ominous chair may still haunt your nightmares. The day you got your braces off was your Independence Day; you were finally free of those oppressive shackles that made your gums raw and your ego sore. You vowed that day to dedicate yourself to impeccable dental hygiene so that never again would you feel the weight of those chains. But no one is perfect, and dental care isn’t as easy as it sounds. Maybe your teeth have shifted over the years or tooth decay snuck up on you despite your best efforts. As you grow older, it is possible to grow out of that pearly white smile, but remember that there is something you can do about it. Cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular among adults in the United States. Whether or not you’ve undergone dental procedures in the past, it’s not too late to improve your smile or your overall oral hygiene with the help of a highly skilled dental or orthodontic team.
There have been significant improvements to dental techniques since the days you were known as “Brace-Face” or “Metal-Mouth.” Newer products such as Invisalign reduce the pain and embarrassment you may remember, while effectively correcting imperfections. Adults may wear these more subtle braces for a period of between 12 and 20 months without detection!

Cosmetic dentistry also includes the use of dental implants and sealants. Approximately 69% of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost at least one tooth as a result of gum disease, tooth decay, or from an accident or failed root canal. Extensive cosmetic work is not always necessary, but many adults are choosing this route in order to increase self-esteem and overall health. In fact, approximately three million Americans currently have dental implants, and that number is growing every year.
If you are unsatisfied with your smile, let go of that nightmarish image of the sadistic dentist and his toolbox of torture. Times have changed; maybe your teeth have, too. Cosmetic dentists and orthodontists have helped millions of adults smile brighter and live better.

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