Now, more than ever, both men and women have a variety of cosmetic solutions for skin care available to them. Simple stroll down the skin care aisle of any grocery, department, or drug store, and you’re sure to find a sea of the latest creams, lotions, and potions all promising to give you the skin you’ve always wanted.
However, buyer beware.
Before you head to the register, it pays to do a little research and homework of your own by carefully reviewing the ingredients list with a critical eye. Not all cosmetic solutions for skin care are created equal, and some many actually worsen the condition of your skin over time. After all, you aren’t just what you eat, you’re also what you apply to your skin!
Therefore, it’s best to always err on the side of caution and use only the best high end private label cosmetics, such as those made by private label cosmetics manufacturers. Not only are these products safer to use than those found in drugstores, they’re also much more effective and are proven to deliver lasting results.
Sure, it’s quite easy to be seduced by the cheap price of drugstore products, however, is your health really worth it? Of course not! Unlike professional skin care products, drugstore and knock products often contain cheap fillers such as petrolatum or dimethicone, in addition to other potentially harmful ingredients such as parabens which have been linked to cancer. In fact, these ingredients have known to clog pores and cause further irritation, drying, and peeling, which in turn can age the appearance and texture of your skin.
On the other hand, private label skin care products, such as those found in dermatologist offices and medical spas, contain proven, potent, and safe ingredients such as antioxidants, retinol, and peptides which can dramatically improve the condition of the skin. In addition, the majority of these companies do not test their products on animals.