Addiction can seem impossible to overcome at times.
You’ve tried going cold turkey, only to find out that made your symptoms worse. You attempted to wean yourself, eventually becoming dependent all over again because of stress or withdrawal. Whether it’s heroin or painkillers, addiction creeps up on you and takes your life for its own before you know what’s happened. Instead of tackling this issue on your own it’s recommended by most medical professionals you hand over responsibility to a treatment center. Addiction to opiods is one of the most common medical issues faced by working Americans today and one you don’t have to fight alone.
How effective are methadone treatments? Do methadone treatments work? Basic questions will be answered below to help you with your first step.
The Definition Of Addiction
Addiction can take on many forms. It can be a dependency on alcohol, a certain habit or even food. When you find yourself struggling to maintain your social life or go to work it’s more than possible you’ve crossed the threshold into addiction. A study on modern addiction found 20 million Americans over the age of 12 having a substance use disorder in 2015, with two million having a disorder involving prescription pain relievers. If you’re not sure whether or not you qualify has having a substance use disorder it’s recommended you reach out to a medical professional first.
Opiod Addiction In The United States
While alcoholism is the most common substance use disorder, opioid addiction follows close behind. One study estimated nearly 25% of individuals who use heroin today develop an opioid addiction. It also concluded four out of five new heroin users started out misuse prescription painkillers first. Back in 2015 over 590,000 people suffered from a heroin use disorder and needed to use a methadone clinic locator to start treatment. Even if you’re on the lighter end on the risk spectrum it’s a good idea to start looking up methadone centers in your area.
Risk Of Drug Overdose
Addiction can affect your ability to work, spend time with your family and even sleep. When left unchecked your risk for an overdose increases. Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States today, with over 50,000 lethal drug overdoses recorded in 2015. A survey conducted the previous year found 3% over the age of 12 were dependent on illicit drugs. Multiple resources are available to help you pinpoint the source of your addiction and provide you reliable methods of regaining control, including therapy and methadone clinics.
Methadone Treatment Resources
A methadone clinic locator can help you find methadone centers in your area. For over 50 years methadone has been considered the most effective treatment for individuals struggling with opiate addiction. Compare this to abstinence-based and non-medical treatments for opiate addiction, which have a success rate of just 5% to 10% on average. Methadone has remained consistent at 60% to 90%, with the outcomes improving the longer a patient remains in treatment.
Choosing The Right Treatment For You
The only way to know for sure which treatment method is best for you is to sit down with a medical professional. Your personal rate of addiction, family history and mental health are all useful information to bring to the consultation, as they’ll help your doctor figure out the best step forward. A methadone clinic locator is a solid resource whether you’re struggling with severe withdrawal or are just coming to terms with a new dependency. According to SAMHSA’s 2011 OTP Survey over 250,000 people were receiving methadone back in 2011.
Overcoming addiction is difficult, but not impossible. A methadone inpatient treatment can make it a little easier.