UPDATED 11/19/20
When someone is reaching the end of their life, hospice care providers are available to help make that transition more comfortable. For hospice care in Kenya, it’s recommended to receive in-patient hospice care. However, home health hospice and palliative care are also available at home in Kenya. The nurse will visit the person’s home two or three times per week.
There is also hospice 24 7 care available. The function of hospice is not to cure a patient, but improve the quality of their life. In fact, hospice care extends a patient’s life by 29 days, on average. If you live in Kenya, to find a hospice with the most reputable hospice care providers, use the team at Hospice Care Kenya.
Everyone deserves to die with dignity, empathy, compassion, and the best quality of life they can. Hospice care provides this. Furthermore, hospice care offers counseling for family members going through this difficult time. Counseling is a great way to deal with grief as your loved one reaches the end of their life.
The medical community makes strides each day to combat life-threatening diseases and illnesses. However, there are many circumstances that arise where patients are either unable to or unwilling to accept more extensive curative treatment options. According to the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2016, there were more than 4,300 hospice care agencies serving nearly 1.5 million patients in the United States. When a patient faces a life-ending illness, hospice care can provide a wide range of services to improve their quality of life while providing many different care and treatment options.
Palliative Care for Symptom Control

The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management reports that hospice care can extend life by an average of 29 days, but no matter the number of days left, hospice services can work to help make those moments as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Palliative care is one type of service typically offered through hospice. Rather than focusing on curing the patient, this type of care includes medicinal regiments and therapy to reduce pain and stress and improve the patient’s quality of life. Beyond treating pain, palliative care can address other distressing symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, problems sleeping, and loss of appetite. Although palliative care is also provided outside of hospice care, it can be helpful in controlling symptoms for those with life-limiting illnesses.
Skilled Nursing Services and Physician Participation
When hospice care is selected, a skilled nursing team works in conjunction with the hospice medical director as well as the patient’s primary physician to determine the best course of action for providing the best quality of life services available. Hospice patients are assigned a case-manager nurse who visits multiple times per week to administer medical care and monitor the patient’s health. Additionally, hospice services generally include on-call, 24/7 access to a skilled nursing team.
Home Health Aide Assistance
Though patients can opt for inpatient hospice care, another convenient service offered to hospice patients is the assistance of a home health aide. These aides typically visit one to three times per week and provide home health care for those wish to remain in the comfort of their own homes during hospice treatment. Home health aides are trained to assist patients with a range of activities, including light housekeeping, personal care, mobility assistance, cleaning of medical equipment, and even massage care.
Medication and Medical Equipment
Beyond providing assisted living care and a dedicated and skilled team of medical professionals, hospice services also include the medication and medical equipment needed to help maintain the patient’s quality of life. The hospice works with a pharmacy team to ensure patients receive the best medicinal regimen available for their circumstances. Hospice care covers any medications associated with the hospice diagnosis, including those meant to reduce pain and other symptoms. Hospice care also provides medical equipment including hospital/accessible beds, wheelchairs, breathing machines, and smaller items like bandages.
Counseling Services
Electing for hospice care can be a tough decision that brings with it a great deal of emotional stress and anxiety. Since the patient’s mental health is also a top priority when it comes to maintaining the best quality of life possible, hospice care often includes counseling services for both patients and their loved ones. These counseling services cover a range of therapeutic areas and can include spiritual therapy, bereavement counseling, family therapy, and more.
Entering a hospice facility or welcoming hospice professionals into your home can be an overwhelming course of action, but the services provided by a hospice team can be essential for maintaining as much regularity as possible through assisted living services and home health care. Hospice care can also help the patient have the best quality of life under their specific circumstances through palliative care techniques, medication, and counseling. All of the services provided help patients combat their life-limiting illnesses with dignity in a comfortable home setting.
International Hospice

Hospice Care Kenya is a charity organization founded to support Nairobi Hospice in caring for those living and dying of terminal illnesses. We work closely with the local hospice care facilities to identify and offer the necessary palliative care to patients and their families.
Families taking care of patients with terminal illnesses should seek our services so that they can learn all about palliative care. We use palliative therapy as another name for palliative care as we offer means of going through pain management by using professionally trained medics.
Many people will ask can you have hospice at home. We recommend in-patient care while going through cancer and hospice, but we offer home-based care for those who prefer being at the comfort of their homes during the process. A home health aide will visit the patients and their families twice or thrice per week and offer the help needed.
We offer hospice care for cancer patients, especially when treatments are no longer working, and this helps add the quality of life to the patients and ensuring they’re surrounded by people and things they love. Palliative care is essential for patients and families taking care of those with terminal illnesses, and people should be open to it.
Are you a Kenyan citizen and seeking help to deal with a terminal illness? The good news is that hospice services will help make your days comfortable by improving your health. If you seek a hospice facility in Kenya, you need to know the services they will offer you. You might have heard about hospice care and are asking yourself these questions. What does hospice do at your home? what happens in hospice care? What is hospice home health care? What does hospice provide at home? The answer to the questions is simple. Hospice care helps people with terminal illnesses improve their health, thus prolonging their life. Therefore, hospice is all about the various services that can improve an individual’s health.
Palliative care is one of the most common services offered under hospice. You might be wondering what are the benefits of palliative care. Palliative care varies depending on the health condition of the patient. It is the caregivers’ role to identify the best care that a person requires for them to feel less pain, improve their lives, and, in turn, prolong their life. If a treatment is not working, there is no point in keeping a patient in a hospital. Hospice care is the ideal option to take.