While so many Americans have found themselves stuck at home more than normal during the pandemic, it should certainly come as no surprise that many people have tackled more home improvement projects than in the past. This means, of course, that there have been times when there is limited access to some of the most popular and frequently used supplies. The latest research indicates that there are 2 million new wheelchair users in the U.S. every year and during the pandemic it is important to know that there are certain steps that are needed to keep people self-reliant. And as more and more people are making improvements to create a more self-reliant space, this means that having a relationship with the local hardware store may be more important than ever before. What kinds of supplies have you been looking for when it comes to preparing for your next HOME PROJECT?
- Having access to the plumbing fixtures that you most want can be a difficult challenge when the production at many warehouses was halted for weeks, and sometimes months, during the initial weeks of the pandemic.
- One of the most difficult products to find during the last six months has been a refrigerator. It is not so much that you cannot find any, it is that most people have not been able to benefit from the wide range of choices they have had before the pandemic.
- Making frequent trips to a big box hardware store can be disheartening. Some people are finding that working with a smaller and local hardware store or supplier may prove more effective.
- Electrical supplies are another high need for any kind of remodeling project or renovation. In addition to the materials, of course, it is important to know that you can also schedule a licensed electrician to complete the work.
- Painting is a much easier task if you have all of the right supplies: the brushes, the right kind of paint, and all of the special tools that make the trim work much easier to complete.
- Refinishing kitchen or master bedroom cabinets is a great way to update an older home, but agin you need to have the right products. Working with a local hard ware store can help you understand what tools and materials you will need.
- One of the best ways to update a space is to pay attention to the flooring. The latest kinds of tiles and stone come in finishes that are easy to maintain and easy to keep clean.
- Just as you want to make sure that you work with licensed plumbers and electricians, it is often in your best interest if you consult a designer when you are working on making selections for flooring and other important decisions.
- Every investment that you make in a home can help add to the overall value of the property that you own. When you make wise decisions about the kind of craftsmanship you use you can make sure that your investments are even higher.
- Continuing to live in your own home is a noble goal. To be the most self-reliant, however, it is often important to make modifications like wheelchair ramps.
- The mere fact that more than 20 million people over the age of 18 have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs means that there is an increasing demand for homes that are more accessible. Making up 7.1% of non-institutionalized people with disabilities, these folks with limited mobility issues are in need of very specific kinds of modifications.
High performance wheelchairs can make a person more self-reliant, but in order for those wheelchairs to function in a home modifications are needed. For aging property owners this means that home projects need to include specifically designed modifications. The last few months have not been easy, but for those property owners who have the resources this has been a time to work on their homes. From complete kitchen remodels to smaller modifications that are made to make homes more accessible, the key is getting the right supplies. Those supplies, when acquired, are best used in the hands of licensed professionals who are trained in electrical work, plumbing, and carpentry. Do you still have unfinished projects that you want to complete while you are spending more time at home.