Sleep apnea is a common problem being prevalent in as many as 18 million Americans, and is almost twice as common for men as it is for women. While CPAP machines help with these problems they can also cause a host of other problems. CPAP bacteria build-ups can significantly affect your health. Bacteria build up and germs can go from CPAP machine masks and tubes straight into your body. This can cause sickness and unnecessary wear and tear on your machine.
Your CPAP tube is continuously allowing air to flow straight into your lungs. You constantly breathe in and out and at night, while sleeping, these breaths get deeper. Moisture traveling throughout the tube allows bacterial to build up. This means that when you breathe in all of these bacteria goes straight into your lungs.
How to Clean It
Wash your tube with warm water and allow it to air dry to remove much of the bacteria build up. CPAP tube brushes are also available to help remove even more bacteria. No matter how you clean your tube this should be done each morning to ensure that you’re breathing in clean bacteria free air.
The humidifier work to reduce dry throats and dry noses while sleeping at night. While this is beneficial at reducing discomfort throughout the night, left unattended, it can lead to the spread of germs and bacteria. Tap water in your chamber can allow minerals and bacteria to build up and negatively affect your health.
The Solution
For those who use a humidifier on their CPAP machines, care should be taken to make sure that you are not using tap water to fill it. Only use distilled water in it. Pour it out every morning and fill it with fresh distilled water every night. Remember to clean your water chamber every morning using warm water and a mild soap. This is important even if you use distilled water instead of tap water.
CPAP Masks
Your CPAP mask touches your nose and your mouth all throughout the night. Germs and bacteria come in contact with your skin and are breathed in while you sleep. While you cannot get rid of all of the germs and bacteria, you can significantly reduce the amount your CPAP machine masks carry.
How to Clean
To ensure that germs and bacteria are not spread through CPAP machine masks you should clean it regularly. Routine daily cleaning is essential to keep germs and bacteria at bay. Thoroughly clean your mask using warm water or alcohol free wipes. Make sure your product is specifically designed for silicone or gel cushions so they don’t damage your mask.
Routine care and maintenance of your CPAP machine will keep you healthy. Your machine should get used regularly, and therefore should be cleaned regularly. Using your machine at least 70% of the time or four hours per night is recommended for optimum health and continued insurance coverage. A product that gets used that much builds up a significant amount of bacteria and germs. Regular cleaning helps eliminate germs and bacteria to keep you from getting sick. Staying healthy saves you money from doctors visits, and will help your machine last longer.
The 3 Dirtiest Spots on Your CPAP Machine and How to Clean Them